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Action Center

GNHCC Legislative Action Center

Visit the GNHCC Legislative Action Center to sign up for legislative updates, receive information about bills that will impact the business community, and gather the tools necessary to share your opinions with elected officials. The Action Center serves as your resource for staying involved and influencing the decisions that directly impact you, the business community, and Greater New Haven.

Legislative Updates

The Chamber works to promote the regional legislative agenda, oppose legislation unfriendly to business, and keep its partners informed about issues at the Capitol. This invaluable service helps Chamber partners who lack the time and resources to propose legislation and follow bills themselves.

Local Legislator Events Calendar

The Chamber holds events throughout the year for our members to connect with elected officials, including our Annual Legislative Forum, Policy Summit, and Election Forums. Legislators also often host in-person events in the districts they represent. It can be hard to keep track of all the meetings and opportunities to connect with legislators, so we're making it easy for you. Below is a calendar of events that our Greater New Haven region legislators are hosting.