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Legislative Updates

2025 GNHCC Legislative Agenda - Cornerstones of a Thriving Economy

Greater New Haven continues to experience sustained economic growth that benefits the entire state. Connecticut’s policies have the potential to create new high paying jobs, diversify our economy, and support growth across all our communities.  On behalf of our region’s business community, these are our priorities:


Our workforce is Connecticut’s competitive advantage.  We need to continue to make investments in education and training as well as resources for employees to keep our workforce as a strength.

  • Invest in the State’s workforce development infrastructure to implement initiatives which expand talent pipelines that match the needs of our employers
  • Make childcare more accessible and affordable by following the implementation plan of the Blue Ribbon panel
  • Address the needs of disconnected youth and connect them to mentorship, job, and internship opportunities, as recommended by the 119k Commission
  • Make investments and support funding for Connecticut State Colleges & Universities to achieve greater outcomes
  • Support efforts to increase enrollment at regional colleges and universities by increasing funding for the Roberta B. Willis Scholarship Program
  • Support the construction of more housing, especially transit-oriented development at transit hubs and housing near in-demand employment centers 


Small business owners and entrepreneurs are the backbone of our economy. They need the Legislature’s support. They are the first to feel the effects of negative business legislation. As a state, we need to continuously evaluate the effects of new legislation. We ask legislators to support programs to help businesses and include the business community in conversations regarding new programs and workplace mandates.

  • Continue to pay down Connecticut’s long-term debt
  • Identify opportunities in the budget to support human service organizations that provide essential services on behalf of the State, through State contracts
  • Promote a balanced approach to the use of budget surpluses that addresses both long-term fiscal health and immediate economic needs
  • Provide transparency and accountability in the budget process to ensure that any changes to fiscal guardrails are made with full consideration of the long-term impact on the State's financial stability and economic competitiveness
  • Continually evaluate the impact of legislation on the business community and the progress of workplace mandates, especially in manufacturing
  • Encourage streamlining of state business permitting and encourage local governments to do the same for local permitting
  • Evaluate the impacts of statutory and regulatory decisions on our healthcare and bioscience industries
  • Do no harm to business prospects as we all learn to live with new technologies such as Artificial Intelligence
  • Support arts culture and tourism programs that support Greater New Haven
  • Address energy generation and regulation to lower costs for businesses


Transportation is critical to Greater New Haven’s economic growth. We have seen cuts to transportation in the past, and these cuts impact employees from getting to work. We need to invest in transportation infrastructure for New Haven to reach its full potential as a key transportation hub.

  • Support development of an extended runway and new terminal at Tweed New Haven Airport
  • Invest in reliable rail service for commuters and employees in the region by, at a minimum, renewing the supplemental funding for Shoreline East funding appropriated for FY2025
  • Address the issue of “first mile/last mile” for commuters and employees by supporting increased bus or shuttle services
  • Invest in high-speed rail projects that create a transfer hub in New Haven such as through reducing commuter rail times from New Haven to New York City
  • Support the New Haven region’s transportation infrastructure such as Union Station, the Port of New Haven, and more


Poverty is at the heart of many of the challenges our State and its residents face.  We not only need to address the symptoms, but also the causes.  It is morally right, but it will also unlock additional economic growth in New Haven as more people can participate in the economy.

  • Address educational inequities, including the math and literacy crisis, chronic absenteeism, and staff shortages
  • Expand and continue funding workforce development programs for upskilling and increasing participation, embracing models that include supportive services
  • Make infrastructure investments that will support growth and improve the lives of existing residents
  • Support the newly created Office of Neighborhood Investment and Community Engagement and the census tract pilot program as well as explore similar innovative solutions

Local Legislator Events Calendar

The Chamber holds events throughout the year for our members to connect with elected officials, including our Annual Legislative Forum, Policy Summit, and Election Forums. Legislators also often host in-person events in the districts they represent. It can be hard to keep track of all the meetings and opportunities to connect with legislators, so we're making it easy for you. Below is a calendar of events that our Greater New Haven region legislators are hosting.