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Workforce Development


Our goal is to make the region a more appealing destination for bioscience, healthcare, engineering, technology and other smart talent with sought-after skills, while acting as a champion for education and workforce policies that prepare our homegrown talent to succeed and remain competitive in a higher-skill (and higher-wage) global marketplace.

Through a focus on talent attraction and retention, education advocacy, and pushing employer-driven vocational and post-secondary programs, the Greater New Haven Chamber and its partners are eager for increased retention of our college students, migration to the Region by young workers, increased job training programs for up-skilling employee populations and attraction of more and more highly-skilled employee populations.

We collaborate with the State DECD, AdvanceCT, Workforce Alliance, and we have a seat on the Governor's Workforce Council. Governor Ned Lamont announced the creation of the Connecticut Workforce Development Unit in July 2020. This agency is responsible for partnering with the business community and knocking down barriers among state government agencies, so that Connecticut can have the most aligned, high-quality, and equitable workforce development system in the country.

The governor's goal is to "reform a system designed to meet the needs of 20th century jobs and realign it for the 21st century. Connecticut rightly has a national reputation for its high quality, skilled workforce, and maintaining that standing is key to attracting new businesses and creating new, good paying jobs." (CT Governor Ned Lamont, July 2020).

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JUMPSTART – Professional Development for LifeSciences. Request for Qualifications – Responses due 7/26/24.