Council & Committees
The Diversity & Inclusion Council is committed to representing a population diverse in race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, and disability by providing opportunities for growth and advancement for all businesses.
For details contact Jesse Phillips at Visit
The Health Care & Life Sciences Council acts as a resource for individuals and companies in the industry, or adjacent to the industry, to identify issues, trends, and innovation that influence the health care legislative agenda. As the New Haven region has become the hub for young, growing BioScience companies, the council will integrate this trend into all its programming initiatives. The Council meets on the first Tuesday of every month at various locations. Signature programs include the Health Care & Life Sciences Awards Breakfast and the Chamber Wellness Challenge, a 90 day series to encourage a healthier and happier life.
For details, contact Glenn Archer at 203-782-4327 or Visit
The HR Council is committed to the interchange of ideas, the education of its members, and serving as a vehicle for the distribution of information. The HR Council is composed of representatives of companies who are responsible for the Human Resource tasks in their company. The Council meets on the first Friday of every month.
For details, contact Glenn Archer at 203-782-4327 or Visit
The Nonprofit Resource Council, (NPRC) is comprised of senior-level executives and board members of nonprofit organizations, and business professionals who have experience working with these organizations. The Council provides a forum where not-for-profits can share information, best business practices, explore possible collaborations, and partnerships with for-profit members of the Chamber. The council meets on the fourth Wednesday every other month.
For details, contact Stephen Bizzotto at 203-782-4372 or Visit
View the nonprofit organization board service stats directory.
This council is comprised of small businesses and sole proprietors who meet regularly to share ideas, challenges, opportunities and best business practices. Its programs include networking and targeted seminars aimed specifically to assist small business members of the Chamber.
The Council Steering Committee meets on the second Wednesday of every month at 8 a.m. For details, contact Kobéy Smith at 203-782-4342 or Visit
The Technology Council seeks to educate and promote awareness of how technology can affect or impact a company's planning, security, productivity, its people, and even its bottom line. The Technology Council presents seminars, workshops, and other events related to its mission on a regular basis that features experts in a variety of fields that may include, but may not be limited to, computer hardware, software, networks, social media, cloud technology, mobile devices, the internet, and security. The Council Steering Committee meets on the first Monday of the month at 12 p.m. via ZOOM.
For details, contact Glenn Archer at 203-782-4327 or Visit
Women In Networking (WIN): This women's networking group meets regularly to generate business, build relationships and share ideas. For details contact Maribel Carrion at Visit
Numerous volunteers assist the Greater New Haven Chamber of Commerce in its goal of improving the economic growth and quality of life in the region. The Chamber gratefully acknowledges the time and talent offered by these generous and enthusiastic members. For details and information, please call (203) 787-6735.
This team of enthusiastic volunteers orients new members to Chamber events and policies and helps them find meaningful ways to get involved. Council members include representatives from several state and city departments, as well as area companies, restaurants, theaters, and interested individuals.
Appointed by the Board of Directors, the Chamber’s Executive Committee is comprised of the Officers and experienced Board members representing different industry sectors. The Executive Committee shapes Chamber policies and programs and recommends them to the Board.
This committee plans and runs the Chamber’s annual Business Expo. This group develops marketing materials, recruits speakers, and develops the messaging. Contact Tameika G Miller at to join.
The Finance Committee meets once a month to review the monthly financial statements and develop the annual budgets.
The Committee advocates for policies and funding for the region and keeps Chamber officials and members informed on legislative issues. The Committee invites various speakers to meetings to update members on local, state, and federal policy issues. It produces a Regional Legislative Agenda, a slate of priority issues adopted by the Committee in coordination with the Board of Directors, for the regional business community. The Committee meets every month on the second Thursday of the month.
As one of Connecticut’s premier economic development and business advocacy organization, we actively reshape our methods to impact and influence our region for the benefit of all. The Economic Development Committee meets every second Wednesday of the month at 8:30 a.m. Contact Anne Benowitz, Director of Economic Development at to join.